Welcome to the EDGE. Just by buying a ticket or donating with corporate sponsorship you are helping to support the efforts of the EDGE. Our mission is to present productions that are socially relevant to our time and include representing groups of individuals who are disparaged against through cultural bias. Furthermore, this theatre company strives to educate, showcase and help develop new authors and talent.
The Edge presently operates on a purely volunteer basis, bringing together individuals who have a wealth of education, experience and talent to the stage, through the application of the fine arts & education. As a true patron of the theatre arts, perhaps you would be interested in contributing more to the efforts of the EDGE. There are many ways to contribute in an effort to help the EDGE grow.
You can be proud of supporting this young theatre company & its efforts to expound on the human experience through the education and creativity of the theatre arts. Lubbock, Texas, needs their voices to be heard.